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The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) is the official association of supreme audit institutions (government audit offices and similar organisations, known as SAIs) in the Pacific region. We are one of the regional organisations belonging to the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).

We promote transparent, accountable, effective and efficient use of public sector resources in the Pacific. We contribute to that goal by helping our member SAIs improve the quality of public sector auditing in the Pacific to uniformly high standards. To meet that objective, our mandate is to:

a) strengthen understanding, co-operation, and co-ordination between its members
b) advocate the interests of good governance - including transparency, accountability and the need for strong and independent SAIs - to governments and others in the Pacific region
c) build and sustain public auditing capacity across the Pacific by sharing knowledge with, and providing support to, its members
d) assist its members to perform their auditing functions, including through co-operative audits and similar activities
e) serve as a regional working group of INTOSAI, in the interests of all SAIs in the Pacific and beyond
f) encourage co-operation with other regional working groups and SAIs.

We intend to improve transparency and accountability in managing and using public resources in Pacific Island countries. Specifically, we organise and provide programs that will (i) enable the public accounts of countries in the Pacific region to be audited in a timely manner to recognised high standards; (ii) enhance the impact of audit findings and assist with performance audits, and (iii) raise the capability of SAIs.

We have a brochure about us and our work. We will replace it with a revised version soon.

The PASAI story

Click the image below to view a larger version.


PASAI has 30 members.


The Congress is PASAI’s supreme authority and consists of all PASAI members.

Governing Board

Under the guidance of the Congress, the Governing Board sets PASAI’s direction and oversees the activities of its Secretariat. 

Secretariat Team

John Ryan (Controller and Auditor-General, New Zealand) is PASAI’s Secretary-General, leading the Secretariat Team.

10-year strategy

Under our current strategy, our strategic priorities are:

  1. Strengthening public financial management (PFM): Advocating for SAI independence and well-functioning PFM systems.

  2. Audit quality: Supporting SAIs to deliver their mandate and to enhance audit quality.

  3. SAI governance: Supporting SAIs to build their governance and enduring capability.

Incorporated Society

The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions Incorporated (PASAI Inc.) was incorporated under the New Zealand Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 18 November 2009 to provide a legal vehicle for PASAI's operations.

Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions Incorporated (PASAI Inc.) Rules