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PASAI 26th Governing Board Meeting

16 June 2021

Auckland, New Zealand: The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) held its 26th Governing Board meeting online on 11 June 2021.

Ajay Nand, Auditor-General of Fiji and Chair of the PASAI Governing Board, chaired the meeting. John Ryan, Secretary-General PASAI and Auditor-General of New Zealand, and Esther Lameko-Poutoa, Chief Executive PASAI, accompanied other senior staff from the Secretariat in the Audit New Zealand office in Auckland.

Ms Lameko-Poutoa reported on the progress of work in achieving the PASAI strategic plan 2014-2024 highlighting PASAI’s achievements under each strategic priority area including the following:

  • Independence and Communications – PASAI updated the independence resources. It provided technical assistance, workshops, presentations to SAIs and public account committees to advocate for greater independence. Information was collected to confirm progress at the SAI. PASAI also conducted many popular workshops on improving SAI communications with stakeholders.

  • High Quality Audits – To advance the quality of SAI audits, PASAI released manuals and conducted workshops for the performance, financial and compliance audit streams. The Secretariat provided further training and support to SAIs in ‘Quality Control’ and ‘Quality Assurance’ Systems and ‘Peer Reviews’ for audit work. Technical assistance was provided for financial statement of government audits for SAIs with audit backlog.

  • SAI Capacity – PASAI delivered the Human Resource Management (HRM) Course with the Swedish National Audit Office assisting SAIs to develop and implement appropriate HRM strategies to retain and sustain expertise. PASAI completed and issued four SAI PMF reports.

The Governing Board discussed an ambitious operational plan for the coming financial year and approved the proposed budget.

Agenda items also included an update on the imminent 23rd PASAI Congress, an Information Technology Project and a future Leadership Programme for SAI Heads.

The Secretariat expresses its gratitude to the Governing Board members for their ongoing assistance and acknowledges our development partners for their continued support of PASAI and its work in the region.

It was also the last Governing Board meeting attended by Jean-Yves Marquet (Président de la Chambre territoriale des Comptes in New Caledonia) and the Secretariat recognises his service.


Contact information:

Esther Lameko-Poutoa, Chief Executive PASAI, Auckland, New Zealand

E: P: +64 9 304 1275

PDF version of media release