We developed our Independence Resource Kit (IRK) in 2016 for SAIs to self-assess their independence and develop and implement an independence strategy aligned with their overall independence goals and strategic plans.
We have now revised the IRK’s content and made a printable PDF version available.
Additions to the ‘Planning for independence’ section of the IRK include an editable SAI Independence Strategy template for SAIs to download and use. It contains a SWOT analysis table, a letter seeking legislative support and makes a compelling case for pursuing greater SAI independence.
There is also a Legislative reform policy paper template and Drafting instructions that a consultant used in the Solomon Islands.
The IRK’s SAI independence checklist is more comprehensive and its many links to useful legislative examples and INTOSAI pronouncements, standards and guidance are up to date now as well.
Attendees of the 23rd PASAI Congress in June will recall the Right Honourable Trevor Mallard, in the opening address, offered his support to pursue independence. You can now watch a video of this speech.
Trevor Mallard on the importance of independence of Speakers and SAIs for democracies
Strengthening SAI independence is the first of our Strategic Priorities. We look forward to working with our members to achieve this goal with the new resources available.