SAI Chuuk releases final audit on State Election Commission
24 August 2022
Weno: Chuuk: The Office of the Chuuk State Public Auditor (OCPA) releases its final audit on the Chuuk State Election Commission entitled “Chuuk State Election Commission: Inadequate Compliance with the Financial Management Regulations and Needing Improvement in the Conduct of Election.”
This is to announce that we have completed the performance audit on the Chuuk State Election Commission covering fiscal years 2017 to 2021. The audit primarily focused on compliance with financial management regulations and determination whether the commission was strategically managing its operations. The audit report presents the findings and recommendations, which audit was conducted in accordance with the US Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS).
Based on the audit, we summarize the following issues that the management should address:
Inefficiency in handling overseas and Chuuk Islands voting resulting to incurring significant expenses for travel and fuel in every election.
Compliance in internal control procedures for monitoring the appropriated budget, requiring the acknowledgement of payment checks by the recipients, managing and maintaining fixed assets records for monitoring and accountability, and improving record filing, management and retention.
Development and implementation of a Strategic Plan that would provide clarity, long-term direction and focus activities toward protecting voters’ rights, efficient election and ensuring/safeguarding free and fair election.
Printed copies of the Report 2022-01 are available at the OCPA located in Weno, Chuuk State. You can also view and download copies through the “Office of the Chuuk State Public Auditor” Facebook group.